The "Daily Mail" version of Brexit events
2 June 2023
This documentary sells itself as "Non-Political", but is in fact definitively Politically biased.

Was this documentary sponsored by The Daily Mail by any chance ?

I watched this, hoping that finally someone would put the record straight about the Brexit Coup.

But 30 minutes in, and already it was selling a completely biased and selective version of events. Reiterating and reinforcing some of the fundamental untruths that were used to make Brexit happen i.e. :-

"Immigration couldn't be controlled whilst in the EU" - absolute nonsense. Other EU nations do NOT provid free Health, Housing and Social Security to all arrivals.

The UK was about to be invaded by Syrian refugees - Syria is not an EU nation, so irrelevant.

"The people made their choice" - despite the millions spent on lies by the leave campaign, the bombardment and manipulation of main stream media, and online socail media via Cambridge Analytical, and foreign interests, it was only a very small marginal vote to leave the EU, in an purely "Advisary" referendum. There was NO real mandate to implement it.

If you just want to hear more waffle and belief in Unicorns, about how the UK will prosper outside the EU, this one is for you.

Otherwise give it a very wide berth !
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