1 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This plot was HIGHLY manipulated. For example: so-called "white" thugs attack a black family. When the thugs are outside beating on the door, do the black people call the police? NO. They just stand there like cardboard statues and wait for the thugs to break in. RIDICULOUS!

Moreover, this is the SECOND attack. How come these thugs weren't held without bail for 72 hours after the first attack? Obvious screenwriting answer: that would have foiled the premise for the second attack sequence.

Meanwhile, Sgt. Bacchus is going around kissing every black girl in sight. And Gently just stands back and watches. REALLY? That's extremely unrealistic. Bacchus wouldn't last a month in a real police force, even in the 60s. He's WAY too unstable to be trusted in deadly force situations.

And how about this: Nowhere in this episode is a black girl shown romantically involved with a black man, ONLY WHITE MEN. What's up with that?

There is NOTHING moral about this episode. The white men get away with murder - literally. Meanwhile, the outside of the house of the black victims is vandalized and the inside is demolished. YET NONE OF THE WHITE THUGS GO TO JAIL! What's moral about THAT?

Pretty much all of the negativity in this episode was preventable if anyone in the story had simply behaved like a REAL human instead of a highly manipulated character fabricated by writers.

What USED to make watching Gently stories satisfying was, in the end, justice was accomplished. This is the FIRST Gently where justice was definitely NOT done. WORST Gently EVER!
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