Goliath: Signed, William Hamilton McBride (2021)
Season 4, Episode 3
Going for a ride with Hitchcock
31 May 2023
As a Hitch fan I did not miss the reference to "Vertigo" and "To catch a thief", with people falling from the Golden Gate and that famous scene with Grace Kelly scaring Cary Grant with her reckless driving along the Cote d'Azur. Denise was even wearing a similar dress... More winking to Grace Kelly, referencing also "High noon", in the black&white, Western scene I guess...

Add to that also Blade Runner with some rainy night scene and Japanese neon shop signs, but unfortunately, all the stylistic touches do not make this series even remotely memorable or in the same territory of the previously mentioned movies.

It's just pedestrian imitation for a series that had one good season and three mediocre to bad ones. I guess the authors were not pleased with the success of the first, more straightforward series and decided to go the fancy way of differentiating all of the following series, managing only to alienate a disoriented audience.

What happens in this episode, except the Hitchcock/ High Noon rip off? BBT sleepwalks through the episode, making a big win for the firm, drinking excessively, having dinner with Sam and meeting the annoying oriental, overdressed female (so much symbolism as to make one throw up). Patty gets her prize and BBT seems strangely uncaring. The baddies of this series are the usual old, white men.
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