The Pink Panther: Vitamin Pink (1969)
Season 1, Episode 55
Pink Panther as a doctor
30 May 2023
The Pink Panther to me is one of animation's most iconic characters. DePatie-Freleng Enterprises' output was very hit and miss, or at least post-1970 it was, especially the later theatrical series. With hits such as Pink Panther and the Ant and the Aardvark, and duds such as Crazylegs Crane. For me, The Pink Panther on the whole was the studio's best theatrical series, though The Inspector and Ant and the Aardvark ones come close. It did become very variable from the mid-70s onwards, but the 60s-early 70s output contained some of the studio's best work.

'Vitamin Pink' idea was a nice one and had no doubt that it would at least work. Not the most original on the block on the whole, but this sort of idea has more often than not worked very well before (a classic premise if you will) and it does so here. As a cartoon, it is decent but also uneven. 'Vitamin Pink' is not one of the best Pink Panther cartoons while also not one of the worst. If anything it is around solid middle, doing a lot right while not succeeding at everything or exceeding it.

Not everything works. The story, despite the interesting premise, is on the routine side. Which did mean that some of the pacing is not as crisp as it could've been.

And the humour, though it does have some fun moments in the latter half of the cartoon, is more amusing than it is hilarious.

However, is well animated, the drawing is simple but still looks as though care and heart went into it and the colours are also pretty. The music is catchy and infectiously energetic, the theme tune is one that is easy to remember and it doesn't annoy me at all.

Pink is a cool and likable character, he is also funny and works well within the story, and the supporting characters are good without stealing his thunder. To me, that's a good thing as this is Pink Panther we're talking about here).

All in all, a decent Pink Panther cartoon but not one of his better outings. 7/10.
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