Trailer Park Boys: I Am the Liquor (2005)
Season 5, Episode 9
This is one of the greatest episodes of television in history
26 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
From the start of this episode it's the entire cast's best performances. From Ricky waking up and realizing his entire family is in jail, the iconic Trailer Park Boys moments do not stop.

The hash driveway

Julian and Bubbles having burdocks stuck to their backs

Ricky in court testifying to get Trinity back

Corey and Trevor being so dumb ("2 months!... 3 months!")

The most iconic meme in the entire show, Lahey falling out of his trailer ("Julian!") is just the beginning of John Dunsworth's funniest performance in the entire show.

"Randy... I am the Liquor" is all time greatness from Lahey and solidified John Dunsworth as the greatest on screen drunk of all time.

Julian giving Ray's bail money to Lahey, Lahey going straight to the liquor store and riding back to the park with a car full of booze

Even after the whole mess Julian, Ricky and Bubbles got into this episode they come together at the end like they always do, putting a smile on the audience's faces.

If I was ever going to show a buddy Trailer Park Boys this is the go to episode to show. All around greatest Trailer Park Boys episode.
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