Rog (finally) does empathetic polemics
25 May 2023

What a privilege to have seen this thru the 'worldwide' cinema simul-broadcast - and as Rog himself acknowledged at beginning (the cine viewers, of which I was just a humble one ..)

As a notable far cry from his previous 'all angry' delivery of his songs, this one came over as - finally - recognising his affinity with his audience, and as not so quite skewering polemics, those that he did throw out there as part of the 'show' - ('war criminals' statistics that surely cannot be denied!) - became all that more moving.

Plus, presumably ( has to be?) exclusive this live broadcasting, his recent travails with being 'cancelled' / banned from performance - (all overthrown by sensible / fair dealing courts in Germany), Rog delivered, finally, a post 'I am Floyd', to instead - at last - 'I am me - and my Floyd lyrics were mine' thereby so prescient, so apposite to today'*, gig; paced and ordered in stupendous linking those old Floyd and his 'newer' own songs, way; as for example, an absolutely stunning introduction of his new revamped version of 'Numb', utterly superb, both in its 'I don't need no DG' to play this song, thus with an utterly heart-rendering female vocalisation remaking, over background visuals that surely could have been Berlin '45 - or Bakhmut '23 .. There is more, but if you didn't catch this with the simul-broadcast opportunity, more loss to you; 'Hey you'; well done Rog, with your humble updating of all these tunes and there proper linkings: (e.g. For the die hard Floyd leftovers, savour his 'echo' like rendition of 'Sheep', alone.)

Fabulous, I'm still on a 'space cadet glow' / flow, far higher than the previous gig / broadcast effort!

*Well, only as he said that himself: 'apt'; so there: 'thought you'd like to know'!
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