Ant-Man 3 or Tron Legacy?
23 May 2023
Wow, where to begin. Basically so many Marvel films after Endgame have been completely forgettable. Ant-Man 3 is no different. I expected the Quantum Realm to be more wacky and out there just like I expected Doctor Strange and The Multiverse Of Madness to have well more Multiverse. The story seemed very bland to me, it was entertaining but nothing new, we've seen it all a million times before. It doesn't help that some of the story seemed like a carbon copy of Tron Legacy. Scott Lang was missing his heist team here and it shows, the film falls flat without them appearing. Kang is supposed to be bigger and harder than Thanos but was almost a complete throwaway. Watch if you've got nothing better to do but I wouldn't go out my way to see it. Marvel need to do better!
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