Inexplicably (And Inexcusably) Confounding.
23 May 2023
When a beautiful young woman is left alone in a luxurious, but haunted house, after moving from Mexico City.

She spirals into a state of paranoia.

Largely due to the "smart" technology system, which monitors, not only, everything in her house...but the entire neighbourhood.

Including her biometrics...and even her dreams.

In which she is tormented by a masked, knife wielding, character, who may or may not be a "ghost in the machine".

I say may or may not, because it's not inherently clear.

What is clear, is that they were going for a sort of Paranormal Activity vibe.

However, the film is plagued with horrible acting.

Some really poorly edited flashback (and flash-forward) sequences.

And a plot structure which makes no sense, whatsoever.

So, despite it's polished look, it comes off as rather amateurish.

There's no doubt it's supposed to be a psychological thriller.

But most of the psychologically based plot points are incredibly poorly developed.

Having been thrown in, without any explanation whatsoever.

You can't help but hope that these loose ends will be tied up in the end.

But answers about why, and how, just never come to fruition.

Ending with you being left, inexplicably (and inexcusably), in the dark.

Leaving you wondering...what the hell was the point?

Because, from a storytelling perspective...it's flabbergastingly bad.

As it ends with you left in complete and utter confusion.

Which is a confounding tactic, at best.

2 out of 10.
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