Review of Away

Away (2020)
Reasons to NOT start watching
22 May 2023
Let's see...Netflix announced there will not be a season 2, so there's that. Oh, and then there's the trainwreck of dueling storylines, one of which plays out fairly interestingly, while the other seems like a hamfisted, cheesy reject from Lifetime. The half of "Away" that deals with the flight to Mars is actually decent tv-quality sci-fi; the half dealing with the families of the astronauts is tedious, and 99% of it adds nothing crucial or entertaining. The frustration is that whatever character or plot mojo developes onboard the spacecraft is derailed each time the story switches to the family situations back on Earth. "Away" is 10 episdoes; if they'd cut out the needless family drama they could have had 5 episodes of a decent, limited series space adventure.
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