A swing and a miss...
22 May 2023
This 2018 Singaporean comedy was an ordeal to sit through. I think you need to be a native Singaporean to enjoy this particular movie from director Jack Neo.

When I sat down to watch "Wonderful! Liang Xi Mei the Movie", I had never heard about it. But I had recently sat through a bunch of Singaporean comedies, and thus I also opted to watch this 2018 movie without knowing what I was in for.

The storyline in "Wonderful! Liang Xi Mei the Movie", as written by Jack Neo and Ivan Ho, was a swing and a miss of a script that provided me with any sense of entertainment. I didn't enjoy the contents of the story, nor did I care one ounce about the characters. And the whole thing was just a tad too juvenile and silly for my liking.

The acting performances in the movie were fair enough, however I have to admit that I didn't enjoy the character gallery in the movie, so I was a little bit distracted from the performances on the screen. The cast ensemble in the movie was good, though I was only familiar with Jack Neo, Henry Thia and Mark Lee.

I have to admit that "Wonderful! Liang Xi Mei the Movie" was not a movie that I found enjoyable, and I didn't stick around to watch the entire movie. I just simply wasn't finding the motivation to do so, nor did the fact that the storyline had little appeal and the character gallery was just pointless, do much to help win me over.

I am sure that a Singaporean audience will appreciate a movie such as this.

My rating of "Wonderful! Liang Xi Mei the Movie" lands on a three out of ten stars.
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