Dead Shot (2023)
Enjoyable movie, but it would help if they got the basics right
22 May 2023
Firstly, as a movie, this is quite entertaining and they have certainly nailed the 70s vibe with the vehicles and fashions etc.

The action is good and overall, the acting is better than average, making for an enjoyable viewing experience.

The story, whilst nothing new, is delivered well enough that you start to build some empathy for the characters involved. Violence seldom improves a situation and perpetual violence is a difficult cycle to break, particularly when you have a personal motivation.

What I don't understand, particularly given the attention to detail with vehicles etc, is why the main military character is described as "An SAS Officer" in the synopsis.

Firstly, he is wearing Sergeant stripes, so he's an NCO, not an officer. Furthermore, there is no mention at any point of the SAS, unless I somehow missed it.

Overall, a good movie and well worth a watch.
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