I am trying to find how to buy in Australia so I can watch it again
21 May 2023
It was funny. I saw everyone watching it on an Asian airline, so watched it on the plane on my way back and it was amazing. It's best feature is being so different from movies I'm use to, it had jokes unlike anything I'd ever seen and good lessons. Unexpected, funny, extremely good. Biggest drawback was that it was weird. Not too weird though, the plot is easy to get.

I loved how it turned an expected cliche upside down, but cliches becoming cliches because they're good, it was still there a little. I can't go into detail without spoiling it.

There was one scene I didn't like because I didn't see a character how they wanted me to see them, but it was a tiny part. Not even a side plot, just character development for one of the main characters which achieved that goal, but the supporting character wasn't good.
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