Exodus (2022–2023)
Old white men complaining about women's rights.
21 May 2023
Peterson in typical fashion reduces the Bible to an incomprehensible allegory that has nothing to do with the actual text. Somehow, a group of old white men turn the story of liberation of an oppressed minority into a morality tale against liberation theology and pro patriarchy. It's almost as if these people have an agenda and don't care about the text.

The only party's that would find this "helpful" would be those who wish to hear their own opinions repeated to them. Peterson and Prager have no business near a Bible much less teaching it.

But by all means Republicans, listen to your favorite talking heads espouse why the tyranny of the left is bad, but the tyranny of an all knowing, all powerful, all loving god who created a world just to burn most of them for eternity, is good.
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