Adam-12: Training Wheels (1972)
Season 5, Episode 5
"I Want To Ride My Bicycle - I Want To Ride My Bike" (Queen)
20 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A fun episode in which we get to see Malloy catching the fury of an old woman who thinks he's her incompetent paper-boy. Malloy's sort of "undercover", dressed in civilian clothes and carrying a newspaper sack while patrolling on a bicycle. He stands there, taking her venom til she runs out of snarls. He then outright lies to her (!) by pointing out Officer Wells (also patrolling on a bicycle) and telling the old biddy that Wells is actually her paperboy. Unfortunately, we don't get to see Wells being berated, or reacting to the woman's viciousness. Nor does Wells ever take revenge on Malloy for the injustice.

It's interesting to watch the drivers training on the police course. Malloy's been a pretty good driver, except when he crashed (while solo in the squad) and went careening into the depths of the Griffith Park forest, last season (episode, "The Search", 10/10). It's also fun seeing Reed getting ticked off with Malloy because Malloy never lets Reed drive the squad. Reed even refers to Malloy as a "pig"! That remark is born from another fun scene previous, in which Reed watches Malloy being berated by a hippie and the hippie's girlfriend's talking bird. And Malloy doesn't even write the hippie a ticket. (Or tell the hippie to wash his filthy, flowery-painted VW Bus hippie-mobile.) Oh, and Malloy never does let Reed drive the squad in this episode.

There's a cool car chase featuring a (now classic) brand new 1972, red AMC Javelin automobile. Malloy and Reed watch it get stolen right out of a closed-for-the-night Dealership. It's a night-time chase. Malloy gives up the chase when it gets a bit too "harry". The thief still manages to crash the car. Officer Wells is on the scene when Adam-12 arrives at the crash site. M & R expect Welles to chide them for having given up the chase. It's surprising when Wells agrees that their chase had gotten too dangerous. He can "dig" their reasoning.

Officer Wells usually comes off as a snarky, "better than thou" type of cop. While he and Reed usually do a bit of sparring, in this episode the two seem to find a likability in one another. They even compliment one another on their police tactical ideas. The highlight of the episode has to be Wells being stared-down by a little girl whose bicycle has been somewhat destroyed, unintentionally by Wells.

There's also a weirdly funny scene in which Sergeant MacDonald approaches Malloy alone in the Police Station lockerroom. Mac asks Malloy if Malloy is in good shape and then performs a quick "once over" visual of Malloy's physique! All in the line of duty, of course. But the tension! My, oh my!
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