This obscure gem is worth your time.
18 May 2023
Pharmacist John Gray returns home from his tedious holiday, with a stranger's camera, that rolled into his possession, he is shocked to find it contains a picture of a woman being murdered, Gray turns sleuth to unravel the mystery.

Something of a hidden gem, this is the first time I've ever seen The Ghost Camera, despite owning a copy for many years, I was perhaps foolishly put off by its age, I now find myself drawn to this era of film.

It's very good, considering the infancy of the film industry at the time it's a very pleasing, very enjoyable mystery. The story of the camera is well imagined, I had expected a ghost story, but it's a straight up whodunnit, one with a good deal of intrigue and suspense.

Maybe the characters are a little stereotypical, but they all have a degree of charm.

Henry Kendall is rather charming as the hapless, bungling, but rather dogged Kendall, Ida Lupino however is utterly splendid, and to my real surprise was just fifteen years old when this film was made, she looks several years older. John Mills perhaps the best known face here.

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