Plot Went a Bit South
18 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I quite liked the first few opening scenes of this film. In fact the whole thing was quite beautifully shot.

But it was let down by the plot. Or at, least some aspects of it.

At a very climactic/important moment, we see that trope we're now seeing everywhere, where a slim 120 pound woman takes on a solid 200+ pound guy and wins handily.

There were also a few times where the police response was shown to be superficial e.g. "We looked at his laptop and can see what transpired here, so there'll be no further investigation into you" Or "Can you give this passport back to your sister next time you see her".

But the real kicker for me was 1) They were allowed to stay in a house where a murder was conducted, just not go downstairs - which raises the question as to how did they come and go? And 2) The main protagonist is soundly sleeping upstairs from where her friend was murdered a day ago - AND the perpetrators haven't been caught! Now I can't imagine me saying to my girlfriend "Yeah your friend was brutally murdered just downstairs, but nighty night, have a good sleep, the killers probably won't come back" and her saying "Oh I guess you're right, I'm whacked, nigh night" and proceeding to fall into a deep restful sleep.
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