Get Cracking (1943)
"It's nitwits like you that makes war dangerous"
15 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
George Formby joins the Local Defence Volunteers (aka The Home Guard) and hi-jinks ensue involving a Vickers gun, conflict between two villages called Minor Wallop and Major Wallop (not real English places sadly) and the building of a home made battle tank. George also sings a few songs of course accompanying himself on the ukelele. I know Mr. Formby is not to all tastes but I enjoyed the film. It's all light hearted, produced in wartime to cheer up people. There are some excellent actors in support; Ronald Shiner as George's nasty rival Manley, Irene Handl hilarious as a sister always looking for her soldier brother, the great Edward Rigby and as the evacuee girl Irene there is a perky performance from Vera Frances. Good stuff.
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