The kid is the best of this show if not the only good thing
14 May 2023
I really wanted to like this but sorry it reiterates a very sexist rhetoric that the mum wasn't doing enough for the kid before the father came along ( despite her having a great relationship with him, giving him everything he needed and working in her great career being successful too) He spent half of the show criticizing her house, her cooking, her decisions about the kid and trying very toxic blackmail buying him toys and playing with him to antagonize them. I know it's supposed to be funny and joking but it's very cringe to me and a huge red flag.

I honestly cant believe this is written by the same writer as Remembrance of things past, what happened???

The show keeps belittling women and mentioning how they are inferior to men in the workforce and they need men to progress and NOT ONCE this is corrected or contradicted by anyone.

It also baffles me the fact that the ML literally imposes his presence into the FL's life and does it literally by force. Then the dialogue is basically that she was lacking, she didn't do enough and the kid was never as happy as he is with the new found dad.

I mean I come from a family where both parents were loving and present but that's not the case for everyone and it saddens me that they are stating a kid cant be happy or full filled with only one parent. Mostly where the FL here has an amazing support system with awesome friends supporting and caring for her and her child.

The secondary and thir storylines with the 2nd Fl and the 2nd ML are quite boring and repetitive.

Overall, lighthearted and fluffy and the highlights of the show are the scenes were the kid is being witty and acting all grown up, he is such a natural actor !
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