"Extra points for the humour"
14 May 2023
I dislike calling a film forgettable, but honestly I feel the same way about the sequel as I did about the original - neither are very memorable.

Despite a nice video chat montage which catches us up to speed with our four leading ladies' lives, the film takes a predictable turn and doesn't stray from this path as it progresses. I will say that our characters and their quirks are well balanced, if you had too much of one over the other you'd feel irritated by their idiosyncrasies. And there's numerous quips which made the audience giggle, so extra points for the humour.

There's not a lot more to say really, I even felt bored at one stage - but the mum's and Grandma's will probably like this film. With mother's day looming, you ought to treat them to a night at the cinemas as I'm sure they'll appreciate an easy romantic comedy to watch.
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