a super performance...
12 May 2023
By the parkinsonistic michael j fox, a super duper production and especially the editing directors work makes me debaffeled and drawn to tears in the end...im just amazed how extremely well they have composed this biographical ''this is my life''(once sung by danish group ''gasoline''), a life seemingly going from adhd to ptsd to p.d. With a little bit of huntington in there...

i just cant see why mr fox hasnt been able to get the infamous electronic implant that so many norwegian p.d. Patients have had such great success with. I have worked a lot with p.d patients in my profession as a nurse and i must say that mr fox is a very atypical one, he is small, but ive never had any patients that has been smaller than miself at 1,72mtr, and he has a sense of humour that aint typical for the p.d patient, it may be the effect of dopamin that drives them nuts, search me...

but its a nasty disease, and it may hit you too, so beware, be as drugfree as you can, cause the synthesized ones may hit you like a hammer and present you to a life with parkinson, no pun intended, remember your brain is like a nut, and if that goes rotten your going nuts too.

Well if there is one bio film over a still alive and kicking actor, this should be the one, itll touch you anyhow.i had a heartaching moment watching Val Kilmers ''val'' a few years ago, this is the same shoesize of documentarymaking. Stay well mr fox, chronic pain aint fun, i can agree to that. A big recommend from the grumpy old man.
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