Review of Hypnotic

Hypnotic (2023)
Interesting Concept, Poor Execution
12 May 2023
The general concept of battling hypnotics is certainly interesting, but what Hypnotic ultimately fails in is the execution of its concept.

Specifically, the movie uses hypnotic powers as a way to build plot twists, but these plot twists feel more like a half-hearted "oh, actually that didn't happen" than satisfying. It was equivalent to when you play a game with a child who keeps making up new rules as you go:

Adult: "I cut your arm off with my lightsaber."

Child: "No you didn't! I actually healed it!"

In Hypnotic, it's much of the same, answering dramatic moments with a quick retcon that's flimsily attached to a quick "it was hypnosis" explanation. And like playing that game with the child, those "plot twists" only serve to make the Hypnotic viewing experience frustrating rather than fun.
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