Review of The Dinner

The Dinner (2014)
Like father, like son!
12 May 2023
I can understand parents natural urge to protect their children! Rich people usually find a way to avoid very bad penalty; besides the children involved are minors. But, the younger brother (doctor) killing his brother (lawyer) to avoid any penalty seems extreme. If he gets caught and finished, the reason he did it will come out and the children's deed exposed. Besides, I don't see how he can justify this in his mind without guilt. It will not help his son in the end, making killing someone because you are angry or to cover up a crime is a bad example to set. His son will probably do this again because he will no think, my father solved his perceived problem the same way. If the children had confessed, they probably what have gotten off lightly. And, the parents could have gotten them some professional help.

I thought the movie was excellent until the end. Of the three movie made from this story; I like this Italian one the best!
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