An original concept doesn't mean its a good film.
11 May 2023
Ben! Don't leave me Ben! Ben! Where are you Ben! Ben! Can you hear me Ben!

I wouldn't be surprised if half the script had the word Ben in it, or mentions of him. People praise the original concept, which I do agree is fresh - however there is NO reason for this film to take place underwater.

The 'haunting' is so generic that this entire movie can take place in a normal haunted house (like grave encounters). The setting is not used AT ALL. Every scene inside the house can be done without scuba gear and water, and this movie will show its true colours in being soulless. It has a 'charm' because it is underwater. Remove the water and you have nothing.

My point is, they could've done something incredibly clever with a haunted house in the water but it becomes a generic haunted house movie. The 'haunting' is not defined so their powers are wildly difference from time to time. Can they teleport? They can bend space time now? Oh now they can only make the light flicker? The evil force NEEDS to be defined, but in this case it was nothing.

The male lead cannot act. The dialogue between the characters is woefully awful - it's criminally amateur. It doesn't help that the line delivery is so poor. In a setting where the characters facial expressions are covered with a mask, how they act and how they speak become vital. Unfortunately, on top of the poor dialogue and delivery, the character actions were so annoying, dumb, and unpredictable.

So why did I give it a 3? Well it has its moments. The set up is interesting, and the initial discovery and unraveling of the house is done well. Unfortunately, it's predictable what happened in the house after the second clue but the movie thinks you're stupid and continues to put in clues pretending it's some horror reveal.

Overall, you can watch it if you want something different - if different is just bubbles floating around as two people with 0 chemistry deliver amateur lines in a haunted house that's so generic.

Shame - this could've been really good.
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