The Pay Day (2022)
Indie-pendence a plenty!
8 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Pay Day is a solid thriller that's definitely worth a watch, especially if you're a fan of the genre. Engaging enough and the performances are strong, with Kyla Frye delivering a particularly impressive performance.

While the storyline is well-crafted and there are plenty of tense moments throughout the film, some may find the pacing a bit slow in certain parts. However, the payoff is definitely worth it for sitting back and soaking in the array of characters on display and the playful nature of this one.

There's flavours of Hustle mixed with Guy Ritchie all over it. One of the things that makes The Pay Day stand out is its musical score which is excellent, and helps to create a familiar type of film that we all know we've seen and yet this has a fresh face. It's not just another London based shotgun romp with 'wheelers and dealers' either. There's an honest realness to it.

Overall, I think The Pay Day is a good movie for anyone looking for strong performances from a team of young ones on the rise. Director Sam Bradford shows real promise as a filmmaker to watch.
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