A wild love letter to fans of the series with some interesting twists
8 May 2023
As an unabashed fan of the series...I was apprehensive of a movie version and viewed it with an extremely cynical eye. It pulled me in immediately with the wonderful visuals. The aerial view of Dog River had me freeze framing early on. The story begins with explosive events and the film tells what led up to such bizarre occurrences. The characters are essentially the same as in the series with a few exceptions: the characters of Wanda & Hank. Both of their negative character traits, while whimsical in the series, are highly exaggerated here. While it's understood that their actions propel the story along, I never expected to be actively angry with beloved characters. The character of Brent also crosses the line into being infuriatingly obtuse. I have no idea if this was intended, but I was getting a Seinfeld finale vibe. One where you reexamine the characters you were once in the habit of rooting for when they're revealed to be self-centered to the point of toxicity. This was hammered home when we actually get to visit Wullerton and see the contrast. An expectant Tara Spencer-Nairn isn't featured much, but she makes the most of her time on screen. My favorite part of this whole movie? Having a scooter written into the film for Emma's mobility, insuring that Janet Wright wouldn't lose any screen time in her final film. So, yes. If you are a Corner Gas fan...I recommend this highly. You may be challenged in unexpected ways and have your expectations subverted a bit, but this was a super-fun farewell to Dog River.
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