Inside No. 9: Paraskevidekatriaphobia (2023)
Season 8, Episode 3
Yep, it's a real word, great episode.
5 May 2023
Gareth suffers with a major phobia of Friday 13th, so much so that he can't leave the house, one day

First of all I had to do a Google search, and I can confirm that Paraskevidekatriaphobia is an actual word, truly the fear of Friday 13th.

So the main questions, where did those teeth come from, and what exactly happened on that day, Friday October 13th 1978....

I have a feeling this is going to be one of those episodes that develops something of a cult following, I truly think it's that good. I'm only surprised that the guys didn't do a superstitions themed episode earlier on.

Those teeth and that hair both were funny, finally Samantha Spiro appears on the show, she's fantastic.

It's amazing to observe just how superstitious many people are, consciously and unconsciously, seeing people skirting around ladders or tipping the wink towards a single magpie.

The twist at the end was so unexpected, a great shock.

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