Team Bride (2023 TV Movie)
Typical M. Rosner TV movie
30 April 2023
This is another TV movie produced by company in which Marcus Rosner is co-owner in partnership with Reel One Entertainment, and obviously M. Rosner is the main actor. It even has the same director and writers as previous two movies produced by the same company. Technically, the movie is fine except music was a bit of uninspiring - not bad, it can pass, but ROE has much better music in their catalogue.

Basically, if you watched (some) previous movies made by Northern Gateway Films, you won't see anything new, it's typical liberal Canadian produced TV movie by M. Rosner and his company - it's actually a good thing as they don't pretend to be insert random US city, and at least is better than previous ones. There is even a bit of cast recycling.

Speaking about cast, I don't know why but Rhiannon Fish's voice greatly varied from scene to scene. In one scene is normal, then in the next is high pitched, then again normal. This is an immersion killer for me.

I can't remember when was last time I watched TV movie with so much predictable writing. Scene after scene and I knew what is going to happen, but director actually executed script well. I admit that Act III has nice suprise and spin, so it wasn't (highly) predictable till the end.

Obligatory don't watch trailer because it's ROE as for some reason(s) trailer has to show whole movie compressed.
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