Typical B-horror fare but watchable to a point
24 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So it starts in Ukraine where international couple internet influencers Ben and Tina are exploring an abandoned asylum in Ukraine. Ben is a Brit but doesn't overdo the British accent as some do in movies. He sounds real. Tina well I am not sure where she is from. Her accent jumps from American to French. Speaking mostly in English but jumping into French speak when she chooses. In the blink of an eye shes in the bath practising her breath holding and then next scene they are smoking cigarettes and heading out to some lake in a part of France. All good so far.

Disappointed to find the supposed secret location of this lake crowded with people they meet an random French man who tells them about the secret location of an underwater house and set out to drive, then hike to location guided by the man. They dive and find the underwater home and explore and for while it's good viewing.

Issues with this movie is when the strange things start happening and ghosts appear and they trapped in the house . It wasn't easy to see when they were exploring normally but when it all goes frantic you can't see anything, sometimes you don't know who's Ben or Tina. Last 30 mins or so is just chaos and they nearly escape but they both died eventually. Ben was stabbed by the ghost's and Tina just ran out of oxygen not to far from surfacing.

All in all something different but all goes crazy at the end in which you see very little. Original though not bad.
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