Adam-12: Log 14: SWAT (1970)
Season 2, Episode 14
Outstanding Episode
24 April 2023
This episode is almost perfect from start to finish. Everything fits together so well and flows so well. And it's got a little bit of everything. Amazing what they could fit into a half-hour show back in those days.

There's a sniper on a roof shooting people and trying to shoot a little kid's dog. Obviously, he's a total wacko. I liked how the director didn't take any close ups of the sniper until the very end. That was a brilliant touch. Most director's would have been taking close ups of the sniper all throughout the episode. But with no close ups until the very end it keeps us in the same viewpoint as the people on the ground and keeps the sniper totally mysterious. We don't find out about him and his motives until the very end. That's excellent.

I'm not going to give away the whole plot I don't do that in my reviews. I just try to give my impressions.

Another reviewer complained that the police didn't use a helicopter to take on the sniper, but there's an obvious reason for that. The sniper would just shoot the pilot and the helicopter would crash, possibly killing innocent people. Duh.

Anyway, I really enjoyed this episode. There are all kinds of wonderful moments and it's never dull. That's why I gave it a "10".
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