I absolutely loved The Wandering Earth 2!
22 April 2023
I absolutely loved The Wandering Earth 2! Chinese sci-fi films have really improved so much in the last few years. Much better than Hollywood ones.

It was interesting to see how a huge crisis brought humanity together and forced us to act as one.

This second movie started off slow and appears to be incoherent, but it all comes together in the 3rd act of the movie and it is a worthy prequal and ties up superbly to the first movie.

This is not your typical space battle laser guns sci-fi movie. This has a far more intelligent storyline that makes you think how future human civilization and its technology can turn out be and what humanity as a whole is capable of doing in order to survive.

It provided great concepts as what space colonization and AIs can do. It's a disaster movie on an epic grand scale like we haven't seen before. This is why we need more movies like this in the future

Highly recommended, and must watch in a big screen.
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