Bad BaD BAD!
22 April 2023
How do you review a film like this? Well, imagine being a hospital patient with "locked in syndrome." This is an illness where, due to a very specific type of stroke, the sufferer finds themself trapped in a body that, while completly devoid of voluntary muscle control, can feel every indignity of a normal person. So imagine that a fly lands on your nose. You are unable to swish it away, but you can feel every little itchy leg as it dances on your shnozz. You cannot ask for help, because you cannot move any of your voluntary muscles including those which control speech.

OK, you get where I'm coming from. Now imagine you took an enourmous painful diarrhea defecation, and had to just sit in it for an hour and a half before your wet-nurse came in to change your adult diaper. That is comparable to what its like to sit through this film. To paraphrase Christopher Walkin, "That isn't any kind of fun. But in terms of what this movie has to offer, that's as good as it's gonna get. And it wont ever get that good again." However, if you wish to ignore my heartfelt advice, and soil your mind with this load of visual fertilizer, the smell of which, will stay with you for a long time, you can watch it free on YouTube at a channel called Kings of Horror.

But don't say you havent been warned!
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