Marui Video (2023)
Wanted To Like It More
21 April 2023
A documentary crew start a project to uncover the authenticity and origins of a video depicting a murder that is also rumored to be cursed.

Let me just start by saying that the trailer for this was far better than the film. The film wasn't awful but the progression was super S-L-O-W and although it a couple creepy moments, it wasn't very scary.

A large part is spent researching the people and places associated with the film. It just seemed to drag out with a lot of wandering around buildings and trying to make connections between paperwork, places, and people. The more intense scenes were pretty sparse and at times, a bit confusing.

Once again, it's not awful and I can say I watched it but had the movie been as freaky as the trailer, it would've got higher marks from me.
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