Star Trek: Picard: The Last Generation (2023)
Season 3, Episode 10
Wonderful send off for TNG
21 April 2023
This season was such a wonderful send off for the Next Generation. Completely restored the goodwill that both Insurrection and (especially) Nemesis squandered.

The final two TNG films reeked of milking the corpse of a once great show. This season showed the proper respect to a show that reached the heights of TOS, and yes I'm aware I'm vaguely paraphrasing Sirtis.

The final two TNG films just made it like it was a Picard/Data/Worf show. Here, the rest of the ensemble is given lots of room. Particularly Beverly, but also Riker, Deanna and Geordi.

Picard and Data weren't best friends, Geordi and Data were!

I've got minor quibbles but this probably isn't the place.
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