Born Cursed (2022)
Loved it
19 April 2023
Honestly Moe millionz is why I originally watched the movie.. I thought I'd skip through it to her part but I ended up watching the full movie.

I see big things for moe. Also really glad you added her to this film. She was perfect for the role and did a really good job. The main character did well also. I just happen to be a huge moe fan, hence my focus being on her. She's real. Her life is relatable. I see her and hear her story and I see / hear my own through her. I'm white but my siblings are mixed Hispanic and black. We did not have "normal" childhoods. The least traumatizing part of our lived was probably moving over 45 times in 7 years. No joke! That was nothing compared to the rest. Most actors / actresses hide from the past. They act one way on camera and another off. Moe isn't at all like that. She's is who she is and it is what it is with her. She's not fake. She doesn't promote her old lifestyle, she's remorseful over it. She represents change and that no matter what you're life is/ was like, you have the power to change it. You can live in that pain and regret or you can take it and use it for good. Like Moe's doing. I'd love, and I mean LOVE to see moe in more movies! I guarantee if she's in it, people will watch. They will connect with her and relate to her. She's box office gold . I was lucky enough to find her on tictok and I shared her with my whole family because I knew they would love her. And they do. Her names spreading like wild fire in Montana! We are a small state where everyone knows everyone. It's only been a few weeks and just from a few shares , she's gone viral here. We love her. I'm sure tubi has seen an uptick in screen time for this movie. Y'all did a good job in this movie. You really did. Sorry that my focus has been on moe ,I don't mean to make anyone feel bad because you put in the work and made a movie. And each of you did great. Truly! But adding moe was a genius move on someone's part!

Moe,if you ever read this. Just know we love you up here in Montana. We wish you nothing but good fortune. Thank you for keeping it real. For sharing your life with us. Your stories. The good & the bad. Thank you for being you. For showing us that no matter the situation/ circumstance , life can change for the better. Two of my sisters are like you. Each for different reasons. But you remind me, of family. Of love. Of real life. You make me think loyalty, love and even sadness. I'm so happy that life has taken you down this path. I hope to see you in more & more movies. I hope three years from now you'll be working with the likes of Jason mamoa ,Hemky Madera ,I could go on and on.

Directors - moe can play many roles. She can be the bodyguard. The bad guy. The bad guy turned good guy. She can be the gentle giant. She can do whatever you put infront of her. Because she's got that real life experience. PLEASE keep casting this women.

Love y'all. Thanks for this movie 🎬 Again. ALL of you, did an amazing job.
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