Rennervations (2023– )
White Saviors on the Road to Heck
17 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Jeremy Renner is okay. He's a likeable, bland, nice guy. That's his brand. And perhaps, if he is indeed the one who came up with the idea for this show, he had good intentions. Bur we know where that leads. RENNERVATIONS turns out to be just another variation of DIFF'RENT STROKES centered on the rich white male do-gooder instead of the kids. Each episode is an ADHD collection of graphics (LOTS of graphics), meh jokes, goofiness from an obnoxious partner who does what exactly?, and fake drama about the rebuild. Then the producers decide to focus on the trauma of each of the workers instead of any of the people who are supposed be needing these dramatic-but-impractical gifts that Hawkeye bestows on them. "Just take what we give you and don't complain!" Then, perhaps realizing how things might look, they shoe-horn in Guests of Color-Vanessa Hudgens, Anthony Mackie, Sebastián Yatra, also all bland and nice-to give the proceedings an air of inclusion. It was awful about Renner's accident, and I'm glad he seems to be recovering, but Disney marketing jumped on it, must've loved that this PR opp fell right into their laps, and it had to have helped the initial ratings a bit.
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