comparing to other action adventure movies it's one of the cheesiest
17 April 2023
(1984) Tuxedo Warrior ACTION ADVENTURE

Co-written and directed by Andrew Sinclair directing the Zimbabwe setting equivalent of a "Casablanca" movie, staring John Wyman as Cliff taking the Humphrey Bogart role; Carol Royale taking the Ingrid Bergman role who plays Lisa, and John Terry as Wiley taking the Paul Henreid role, and finally Roy Boyd taking the Claude Rains role as Chief Inspector Andy Cliff moves to Zimbabwe to escape from a bitter breakup with a former flame, Lisa by opening up a bar/ casino but conveniently stumbles onto to him looking for an escape along with her already married husband while Zimbabwe authorities are searching for a small bag of stolen diamonds while at the same time while both Lisa and her husband are trying recover their passports.
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