Review of Nobody

Nobody (I) (2021)
Nobody wrote this script?
14 April 2023
Watched this for "free" thanks to Netflix and glad too saving me the cash for cinema tickets. Fine as a wet afternoon flash bang wallop and always good to see BO but it just does not measure up to his performance in BCS/BB. That said, it is not meant to be... this is cartoon action for those that like such things... imagine Jason Statham in this role... many times... gorgeous wife and kids, splendid home... oh like a bolt from the blue something upsets his urban idylll.... stage set for... you know what's coming! And it does, crash.... bang.... wallop... repeat and repeat... Be warned though folks there's blood spilled, smoking, f-bombs galore and yet not the tiniest hint of naughtiness... how odd how Hollywood seems to think it's ok to fake up all this violence and misbehaviour and yet is so coy....
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