The Twilight Zone: I Dream of Genie (1963)
Season 4, Episode 12
The Arabian lamp Genius in modern outfits now offering one wish only!!
14 April 2023
In fourth season started full episodes around fifty minutes or so, it somehow coming for worse or better due now if the story isn't so attractive the whole thing flops evenly like this an average chapter that wasn't so good, a warmed-over story about Arabian lamp, the genius and three wishes.

As Rod Serling explains at opening scene about a single George P. Hanley (Howard Morris) a sort of shy and fool man those that everyone serve him a cold tea, close the elevator door at her noose without complaint at all, George works in accounting office where has a beauty secretary Ann (Patricia Barry) to reach he decides buy a gift at Ann's anniversary in hope to got his attention to starting a dating, he went a story where the rogue owner shoves him a used Arabian lamp as antique gift, even ensures he accepts, at office another wise guy gives to Ann a sexy dress, perceiving Ann as an easy and shallow girl, he keep the gift of his own.

When George went back at your home is welcome by a happy dog and try wondering that Ann wasn't the girl that he wanting for, suddenly the Arabian lamp starting shaking and got it and start polish it, the came up a Genius (Jack Albertson) with modern outfits, however instead available three wishes this turn the trendy Genius offers just one only, therefore the Genius aware that the faltering guy needs more time to make a right choice and vanishing away to return later.

Then George wondering if he got be married with Ann's famous actress, the second choice should be the richest man and finally a powerful America's Politician, all these thoughts in some way weren't satisfactory whatsoever, at Last George decides be a........please see by yourself and judge if George made a clever choosing, although wasn't so great this episode has its moments enough able to enjoy!!

Thanks for reading.


First watch: 2023 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 7.25.
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