Stupid is as stupid does
13 April 2023
And boy was this series stupid.

Let's see if I can recap how terrible this really was.

First we have our trite, boring, and tiresome lovers' triangle. The three participants being:

Marta - An entitled, self-absorbed, vamp incapable of actually having any real feeling for someone else (though she fakes it pretty well at times).

Niko - Probably the worst of the three. A consummate narcissist and d-bag with no redeeming qualities. How Marta could even be interested in him boggles the mind.

Bogdan - The self righteous straight arrow. He was probably the least objectionable of the three, only because his character was a bit more complex and I couldn't completely figure him out.

Next come the events that happen in 2022. This consisted of macho and testosterone laced dialogues and actions that stunk to high heaven. After the first two episodes, I fast forwarded through most of these scenes so I could get to...

... the final entry; a mediocre and bland sci-fi element that wasn't all that interesting and had no real climax, but was, unfortunately, the best part of the entire series.

One thing that bothered me to no end (even though it was pretty minor) is the fact that in 2022, Bogdan is significantly taller than Marta. In 2052, they're almost the same size. A small thing, but it demonstrates the production teams lack of attention to detail.

All in all, this was a pretty painful viewing experience.
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