Edgelord's Paradise
11 April 2023
Ok, this is shaping up to be really interesting.

The main preface of this episode? Introducing relevant characters without outlining their significance, setting an intriguing prologue for the story. Usually when there's episodes like these they're dull and seem like one big meaningless setup. But this episode was still interesting. We're starting to properly understand Gabimaru, slowly, but surely, and his personality is good fun, for sure. He's presented as formidable, a strong Shinobi, with no aspirations of becoming Hokage or Raikage or Ijustwanttoleadahappyordinarylifekage, just being a real menace with broken powers. And yet, we see that the Paradise presented to him too is formidable. The enemies we did not see fight in the episode are formidable, and probably not the only enemies in the show.

I'd say this has the best visuals in Mappa's recent record besides Chainsaw Man, if not more. Everything is well mapped, and you have to ask if any of the animators at MAPPA have seem their kids since about 2020. Not only this, Gabimaru's VA is taking it all on this season, playing both Gabimaru and Mash Burnedead in Mashle. And when he pulls of vocal performances like these, you can really see why.

Violent, with a great plot. MAPPA really don't hold back ever with displaying beheadings, or murder, or fun goofy anime moments.
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