The beginning of the wrestling in movies a true Mexican Institution!!!
11 April 2023
The Mexican cinema didn't make so many horror movies, just in thirties some were made, but after the smashing success of Ladron de Cadáveres where the director Fernando Mendez mixing two genres as favorite Mexican wrestling with the hero wearing the exotic mask as that became a Mexican trademark in others wresting pictures as "Santo" a true Mexican institution due it had a fabulous box-office at its time, the actor Wolf Ruvinskis was the main exponent of this attraction for many years.

The picture is a true gem, aside some outliers easily perceived in the feature as the bad make up e some oddities in others sequences, the story is about a mad scientist professor (Carlo Riquelme) that looking for a perfect body to insert another brain, he has been failed twice until finds in the skilled rookie wrestling Guillermo Santana (Wolf Ruvinskis) aided by his bleak sidekick Cosme Ramirez (Yerye Beirute) to catch him.

Meanwhile the womanizer guy Guillermo starts court the beauty Lucia (Columba Dominguez) who got the top billing cast, actually Guillermo is an old buddy of the Captain Carlos Robles (Crox Alvarado) that introduced him in the wresting circuit to start training due Guillermo came from countryside to Mexico City to begin a successful career in this odd sport.

The picture is utterly well-done mainly in great photograph very alike American productions, plus the clever filmmaker inserts a humor and romance, although who stolen the picture quite is the multipurpose Carlo Riquelme playing a kind of double face character as lottery peddler as almost a beggar and also the criminal mad scientist that wants rule the world after they weird experiences work out, don't miss it if you like a fine horror mixing with science fiction!!

Thanks for reading.


First watch: 2023 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 7.25.
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