The Mandalorian: Chapter 22: Guns for Hire (2023)
Season 3, Episode 6
Din Djarin The Cuckhold
11 April 2023
Can it get worse? Forget the cameos. The actual storyline (what story line?) is bad this season. Everything is disjointed with no real focus. Din is now Katan's cuck. Baby Yoda (personal reason that I don't use his real name, lol, so save it) is little more than occasional comic relief. There's nothing here from the first two seasons. If they wanted a Bo Katan spin off did they have to hijack Mando to give it to us? The show has become as bad as The Book of Boba "Get Beat Up By Everyone" Fett. This senseless mess is not the show that brought in the audience. This is like people throwing ideas in a hat then drawing at random before the trained monkey's in the next room pound on typewriters until a script is accidentally created.
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