Celebrity Hunted (2017– )
Such a wasted premise.
11 April 2023
Honestly the idea of this show is so potentially entertaining, exciting and fun that you'd think it'd be impossible to mess up, even D list celebrities will be fine because it'll be stressful, however that's not what is given to the viewer.

There are details glossed over of how things work or what terms mean etc, granted they can't go into every minutia but a cut away and then explaining how many people view cctv or how many cameras or just stats or facts that are interesting would add a bit of credibility, you could even potentially be getting 90 min episodes.

Yet we get these awful staged moments, interactions and set up "lucky breaks" that would never happen, how many people can just leave jobs to take celebrities 100 miles, or will let them stay at their house etc, don't get me wrong if I'm seeing a top tv name or movie star or at the least someone I like I'd be receptive but some dude from a bbc3 show? Come on now! You can't keep treating the viewer as stupid, I guess maybe they have a target demo of the social media generation who are as intellectually gifted as boris Johnson is in the looks department.

Even if you have to do this hokey staged rubbish style tv, add some people saying no in, or doing things like ask for money or ask too personal questions, nothing headline worthy but just layer it so it looks like it's set in reality, it probably would work this way if your all A list stars, but physics of this morning who are married yet look related aren't going to be known by most. As funny as James is (Ed gamble is fake and irritating plus another who lost weight and gained ego) again it all feels so forced. Nothing works in this show.

Then there's the worst part, it's not the stupid hunters on the streets dressed in black everything and looking as intimidating as Elmo . But c these real trained high up police having these fake scripted chats (assume some are actors) acting like they're not aware prior to the show who's on etc, again. So fake.

Then the reaction by police, the silly over exaggerating of the importance and also celebrating like they've solved real murders it makes them look ridiculous and incompetent and kills any credibility they had left. They should be serious, talk normally, acknowledge and break the 4th wall and explain better how/why things work.

In 2023 this format only works for really simple brains or young kids but guessing by time it airs It's not at all good enough as light entertainment or even a reality show. Awful.
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