Well, It's A Story
10 April 2023
When his brother-in-law is killed, two-fisted magazine photographer Paul Carpenter goes looking for the guy who did it. His quest leads him to a hit-and-run racket, combined with blackmail, as well as a bevy of beautiful birds, including Kay Callard, Monica Grey, Jackie Collins and Maya Koumani (whose character name is "Miss Brazil").

For a cheap Butchers' second feature, it's an unpretentious, amusing little film, directed by Francis Searle. Searle was one of those British directors who directed cheap movies, mostly thrillers, and brought them in on budget, about a good as his mediocre scripts and short budgets would let him. Here's one where no one seems to have take it very seriously, and it works better for it. The result is a pleasant time-waster.
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