DreamKeeper (2003)
Loved it! Fantastic cinematography.
10 April 2023
There's almost always a little stiffness with films about our indigenous neighbors ... especially with older films. This 20 year old gem has a little bit of that, but it's just so darned good ... I let it go.

I really appreciated Fusco's attention to and focus on the stories. It's all about the stories with native folks ... always.

The cast is top notch. Everybody knocked their role out of the park. Gary Farmer is always a favorite for me. Eddie Spears is just amazing. It was especially great to see the younger Michael Greyeyes, Tantoo Cardinal & MIsty Upham .... along with the now departed John Trudell & Floyd Red Crow Westerman

The film isn't afraid to go dark in some scenes, but never morphs into the gratuitous. The characters are genuine ... there are no caricatures; which is sooo refreshing after decades of the violent or stoic noble indian baloney.

The action scenes are ... just wow ... really well crafted. The cinematographer honors nature with beautiful landscape shots. It's simply a beautiful film.
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