The Good Doctor: Tough Titmouse (2018)
Season 2, Episode 4
Late to the party but the party sucked
8 April 2023
Like actually, what the hell. I hope whoever wrote this episode is never allowed medical control over another person. The rock-climber timeline is the most sadistic piece of television I have ever been unfortunate to witness. Whatever mind thought this up should go do horror instead. "We need another b-storyline, something with drama and some moral conundrum for our doctors... Ah right let us disable a young character for life so they might have children because that is what their parents want!".

I am honestly shocked both by how the episode choose to portray this, and seemingly wants us to be sympathetic to the parents. There is a slight moment where one of the doctors seem to realise what they have done, but no matter, because it doesn't matter. We have disabled a young person and there is no further consequence. There is nothing redeemable about this plotline. This might be a larger indication about the very nature of "Are autistic people people, and the they deserve basic respect"- the show, but it was more obvious with this one.

2/10- The doctors never learn and never face consequences for their actions.
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