Who Needs An Origin Story?
7 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Legion Of Super-Heroes was an unexpected addition to my watchlist recommendations. I wasn't expecting anything new from DC animation, which means this wasn't as well advertised as it should have been because my newsfeed usually includes big news from DC. I mention this because Supergirl usually gets the shaft from DC when it comes to marketing, and this should have been better marketed.

Overall, Legion Of Super-Heroes is not bad, but it lacks something and that something is a proper origin. The animated movie starts off on Argos, which introduces the viewer to Kara and her mother enjoying a lazy day right before Krypton explodes. Because we the viewer are familiar with Krypton and it's destruction, then there are only a few words given about Jor-El, baby Kal, and a space ship, before Kara is unceremoniously sent off to earth. The intro credits start, then we as the viewer are introduced to Supergirl in full regalia fighting crime in Metropolis. She's only been at the superhero gig a couple of months and she sucks. Batman wants her wings clipped and Superman has the better idea to send her to the 31st century to the Legion. If you are familiar with Supergirl comics, then you will recognize this story as a mishmash of a couple of different ones. The villain should be easily recognizable, though it's not really a mystery since they reveal themselves early on.

Personally, I would have liked to see them go in a different direction for Kara, yet it seems clear this story is more of a bridge way for future stories in the animated universe. There is very little character development beyond the basics and I would have preferred a team up with Kal, instead of the team up we got. I also found this to be a bit boring and lacking in humor. Though the action scenes are very good and it matches the animation style well. Yet, the lack of a proper origin limits Kara to being one-dimensional because she is less well known than Superman. Kara needs a proper origin unlike her cousin who doesn't because everyone already knows it. DC did something similar with the new GL animated movie, and it hindered Stewart's character development too. Hopefully they will fix this moving forward.

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