Pure speculation with no real evidence
3 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This documentary is just not convincing at all. Their proof is that box cutters were on the plane parked next to them at the terminal and there were four middle eastern people on the plane who were "acting weird" by rejecting food offered to them and they were rude. Let's remember that this airline has a terrible reputation for customer service and the passengers didn't have any sort of accommodation made for their religious food restrictions. I'd be a little peeved too. Let's look at the facts here: they claim that people on the ground conspired with the hijackers to place the box-cutters in the plane despite the other hijackers bringing them on themselves. They claim that the plane was locked down after they were completely evacuated yet "can't think of a reason someone would need to get into the plane through the baggage compartment" even though the authorities were definitely looking around at all the aircraft, judging from the fact they found box cutters on the other plane. Logically, if there were box cutters found on the other plane, any good journalist would shift their focus to the other plane yet it's never addressed again. They claim that JFK ground was evacuated and they were "on their own" which is, at minimum, misleading if not pure audience manipulation by TMZ. Perhaps the baggage handlers and technicians were evacuated but if ground ATC left, there would be chaos on the taxiways, with planes crashing into one another. Also, someone had to be there to direct the arriving aircraft after the airspace closure. I am willing to give the interviewees the benefit of the doubt and say that these people probably aren't racist and TMZ merely made them look that way but it definitely made me feel like race was the only real reason for their accusations. 1/10 because it isn't as far-fetched as Ancient Aliens but almost as easily disproven.
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