Somebody (2022– )
You must be kidding me...
30 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Nothing makes any sense in this abomination. Tons of plot armor, gimmicks, conveniences, shock value, fillers, and plot holes.

First and foremost all the characters are one-dimensional, boring, and lack character. There isn't really a character with any real motivation or struggle. They just exist and then things just happen and they go along with it.

Second - the show is filled with degenerate and incompetent people. A paralyzed cop in a wheel chair? Really? A degenerate friend with mental issues and horrible impulse control? A shaman? (the shaman is surprisingly the most normal).

The 'villain' is also boring and lack any appeal. He's not smart or trained in any way. He's just a dude with too much time creeping on girls using an app and steals their phones yet no one can figure out who or where he is.

The pacing is atrocious. At least 75% of the show feels too long. The sex scenes are dragged out way too long and it doesn't accomplish anything. Weird awkward dialogue and meetings between characters don't feel natural at all.

And did they have a budget of $20 for lighting? Half the show feels like Gotham city with the lights out. Hard to see anything.
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