Batman makes way for BRatman
29 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
CW the channel of shallowness strikes again with a "For Teen Girls" supposed superhero series happily demolishing and dismantling the basic precept of superhero stories with their pale and shallow renditions of mediocrity and abandoning the idea of a story arc where the central figures have to work hard to beat adversity and to grow as characters risking all with real consequences awaiting their possible failure.

Characters grow only when they experience knock backs in life, this modern idea that your central character has to be absolutely flawless and inherant of natural ability so much they can overcome adversity so easily that it proves to be no adversity at all is not only weak writing but a vaccuuous shell of cynicism against our teenage citizens that somehow they are incapable of working to achieve anything but simply get handed the win on a plate.

Today's CW writers are lazy and insubstantive as adequately demonstrated by Gotham Knights, the latest mare from the stable of banal mediocrity.

I suppose this is targetted toward today's teens and I sometimes despair that so many will consider this "Good Storytelling", I would hope that many of the more intelligent of them might see this for the cynical exploitation of their naivity and reject this.

It says all you need to know about Gotham Knights that in the first episode the character Turner Hayes (Bruce Waynes Adopted Son) discovers the "Bat Cave" after throwing a hissy fit tantrum in Bruce Waynes study after the news of Bruce Waynes death and the revelation he was Bat Man, teen child throws a tantrum as though he was 5 years old and had been told Santa Claus didn't really exist.

I won't be watching any more of this...
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